


  • Esquisses for instrumental ensemble : Fl ( picc), Htb, clar, Clar basse (cl), sax ten ( sop), Hr, trb, piano, percussions, 2 violins, viola, cello, Db.

Commande  by Versailles Grand Parc 

Elementum for saxophone quartet. Création en février.

Commande du quatuor Habanera.

  •  Strates for trio: violin saxophone alto ( sop) and piano. Création en Janvier 2021.

Commande d’Eudes Bernstein.

  • Linéal for soprano saxophone and 11 instruments ( Fl, Ob, Cl, Fg, Tp, Hn, 2 Vl, Va, Cello, Db). Création en Avril 2021
  • Kyu for nine de saxophones.

Commande de l’ensemble Squillante.

Soon edited by Billaudot

Duo Selmer «  Brigitte »  for 2 alto saxophones and «  Patrick » for 2 soprano saxophones, 10′


Mirages for soprano sax and piano, 17′


Sax Solo and Orchestra











Rhizome for alto saxophone  solo and strings : 7 violins, 2 viola, 2 cellos, double bass. 

Duration: 13’ 


Rhizome: Tige souterraine vivace émettant des racines et des tiges aériennes.

Musique vivace, émanant d’une racine simple, pour s’étendre vers de mutliples
directions horizontales ou verticales.
Partant du Mib, note de référence du saxophone alto transpositeur

et hommage au concerto de Glazounov, le rhizome se multiplie tout d’abord vers les notes périfériques mi et ré pour enfin gagner tous le spectre du saxophone.

L’ensemble à cordes entretient la résonances du soliste et apporte sa propre richesse sonore et musicale.




Reflets for alto saxophone  solo and wind orchestra.

Duration: 19’




Arches for soprano saxophone  solo and orchestra.

Duration: 15’ 





Lune for clarinet in Bb 

Duration: 7′

“Moon” is a poetic and virtuoso piece, which describes the time of a night, the elipsoidal trajectory of the moon in the sky.

From the appearance of the first ray, to the ascent to its zenith, the full moon dances in the starry night with energy and rebound then descends to the horizon.

Finally, before disappearing, a last green flash illumnates the moonset.

Saxophone and piano


Nuée ardente for alto saxophone and piano
commissioned by International Adolphe Sax Competition in Dinant 2019

Duration: 9’30

Magma: molten rock, is the center of our land. Fire, which deploys its energy and its flames to, sometimes, to escape towards the surface in fiery cloud.It is the idea of ​​this energy and these sparks that is symbolized here.



Jeu de cartes  (Card deck) for alto saxophone  and piano

Card deck developed from a melody I wrote for my daughter Léonore – my queen of hearts. Each suit has a distinctive identity.

Hearts always have the same melody.
Diamonds use march-like binary rhythms that may reoccur as thematic patterns.
Clubs, on the other hand, progress along ternary, even asymmetrical rhythms based on the symbol of the three-leaf clover.
Spades play on detached articulation and accents.

Some pieces combine several suits and their structures reflect the ranking of the individual cards.
These pieces, albeit playful, require strong musical commitment.

Have a good game of cards!

volume 1 : 10 pièces

Grade : intermediate (4-5)

  1. As de trèfle (1 mn 15 s)

  2. Atout cœur (1 mn 40 s)

  3. Paire de deux, carreau et pique (1 mn) .

  4. Bataille (2 mn) 

  5. Carré de huit (1 mn 55 s) 

  6. Trois de pique (1 mn 55 s)

  7. Petite suite (2 mn) 

  8. Quatre de cœur et cinq de pique (1 mn 40 s)

  9. Full aux six par les dix (3 mn 55 s)

  10. Un, deux, trois de carreau (2 mn 50 s)

duration: 17’10

volume 2 : 6 pièces

Grade : intermediate (5) to advanced (7)

  1. Valet de trèfle (2 mn 05 s) 

  2. Cavalier de pique (2 mn 45 s) 

  3. 7+9 de trèfle (2 mn 50 s) 

  4. Léonore, dame de cœur (3 mn 20 s)

  5. Roi de carreau (2 mn 50 s) 

  6. Le barbu, roi de cœur (4 mn 35)

    duration: 16’20




L’éveil de la toupie for alto saxophone and piano. 
Duration 8’30

“La Toupie”  is a form of waltz musette.

Thie fast tempo piece, uses an asymmetrical rhythm  with two main structures from old form of waltz:

3/3/2/3  and 3/3/3/2.

It is also the spinning of the top ( toupie), chilish game, who gets animated little by little gives meaning to the music.

Solo saxophone



Pulse for alto saxophone.
duration: 7′

The piece develop the energie and vitality of the rythm. The Saxophone tranfome itself into a lots of percussions effects, timbres, extended tecnhiques onto a pulsation growing up progressively with no possible return. The pulse free its energie and finnlay explose without control in a rythm hymne


Échos  éclatés for soprano saxophone.
Duration: 9’15

Second piece of the series “Echoes” which uses the same musical material of two notes to the triton that “Echoes of echoes”.But the echo is here longer and develops in convolution.The different echoes give rise to more broken sentences and extend to a more rhythmic and articulated discourse.The echo explodes in frantic finale.


Éclats d’échos for alto saxophone.
Commissioned by Andorra sax fest competition.

Duration: 6’30

From an immediat echo, simple or multiple, this piece explore, break, sometimes extend the resonance of the first two notes’s call.

This triton is developped, in the first part, in a melodic way.

Then, the final shine transforme the call/echo in an obsesssion rhythm.



Sillage for soprano saxophone. duration: 7′

Wake trail left by ship at the surface of the water.

This work is composed from single melody. Developped by small waves it leaves behind his footprints in its wake which, in their turn, necessary sometimes energetic, rhythmic or more poetic way.